Angelica Cifuentes


Dr. Angelica Cifuentes is a board-certified optometric physician. She completed her undergraduate studies at Florida International University. She was awarded a second bachelor’s in Vision Science from Nova southeastern University while concurrently pursuing her optometric degree. She earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry. She is the CEO and Co-Founder of Bye Dry Eyes and serves as the Optometric Director at Blinking Owl Eyecare. Dr. Cifuentes plays pivotal roles in advancing innovative eye care solutions and holds memberships in esteemed organizations such as the American Optometric Association (AOA), Florida Optometric Association (FOA), and Miami Dade Optometric Association (MDOPA), where her commitment is further highlighted as a Junior Trustee Board member. Her influence extends beyond local associations as a visionary board member of the Contact Lens Institute, a member of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS), Latinos En Optometry (LEO), Women in Eyecare (WIE) and a mentor for optometry students at NSUCO FOSA. Dr. Cifuentes is a published author in collaboration with the Contact Lens Institute and has shared her expertise as a panelist and guest speaker at various esteemed events. Her commitment to education and advocacy spans across social media, where she actively engages with her audience through her platform @tinyoptometrist, boasting a substantial following across Instagram, TikTok and Youtube. Fluent in both Spanish and English, she seamlessly bridges language barriers to provide comprehensive care to diverse communities.