Ken Lawenda

OD (In Memory)

Dr. Ken Lawenda is a Nationally recognized Eye Care Leader and Optometric Regulatory Board Specialist and Consultant in the United States and in Canada Elected to the Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry Board of Directors 2021-2025. He has and served on 3 State Board's of Optometry over the past 17 years. Served two terms (8 years). 2007-2015 on the California State Board of Optometry appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger, (2 years on the College of Optometry in British Columbia, Canada and presently serving a (6 years) term (2016-2022) appointed by Governor Peter Shumlin of Vermont. Dr. Lawenda's background and experience in eye care in primary, hospital based and corporate care and his background in the regulatory arena has provided him with valuable insight and perspective regarding Health Care Delivery in the past and going forward. Dr. Lawenda has had an extensive career serving in leadership positions locally, statewide and nationally. He served as President of the California Optometric Association. In addition served on the California Optometric Association's Board of Trustees and on their Legislative and Executive Committees. He was appointed by the American Optometric Association (AOA) to multiple committees and appointed to the AOA PAC Board based in Washington, DC. He worked on the Federal Level with Legislators in Washington, DC, meeting and discussing eye care related issues that have state and national implications. He has networked with leadership in all areas of eye care delivery. This has provided him with great insight in the Primary Care, Corporate, Hospital Based and Regulatory Arena. His insight is sought for consultation and advice about the past, present and future on eye care delivery and how it's provided. Eye care delivery has seen major changes including consolidation, technological advances, artificial Intelligence, TeleOptometry/Telemedicine. What it's going to take to maneuver in this rapidly changing environment is a Visionary like Dr. Lawenda who has the background and experience and networking capabilities to better understand the future of eye care delivery .